YSR Congress Party general secretary and state government advisor (political) Sajjala Ramakrishna Reddy on Thursday sparked a row with his comment of pitching for the reunification of Andhra Pradesh and Telangana. He said that the party will use every opportunity for the reunification of both the states

Speaking to reporters at Amaravati, Sajjala said that the people of Andhra Pradesh and Telangana were equally disappointed and unhappy over the "unethical" bifurcation.

He claimed that the YSRCP supported a united Andhra Pradesh, in contrast to the TDP, the BJP, and the Congress.

Ramakrishna said that the YSRCP is still in favour of united Andhra Pradesh. "There are strong feelings among people that the state was divided in an unfair manner. If there is a chance to reunite Andhra Pradesh, the YSRCP will carry it forward" he said.

Sajjala said eight years have passed since bifurcation, and they are still fighting for the promises made in the Reorganisation Act.

Opposition parties in Telangana responded strongly to Sajjala's comments for a united Andhra Pradesh.

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Telangana state Energy Minister Jagdish Reddy termed the remarks as ignorant. "If what Sajjala is saying happens, Chennai may again demand Andhra Pradesh and England may demand India," the Telangana Rashtra Samithi (TRS) leader remarked.

YSR Telangana Party leader Y S Sharmila also condemned YSRCP leader's comments. "Sajjala's comments are meaningless. Today Telangana is a reality. Telangana is a state built on the sacrifices of many people. It is impossible for two states to unite," tweeted Sharmila, sister of Andhra Pradesh Chief Minister.

"Some events happen only once in history. How do you merge divided states?" she asked and advised Sajjala to focus on the development of his region and not hurt the self-respect of Telangana.

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(With inputs from ABP Desam — It is a Telugu platform of ABP News. For more news, commentary and latest happenings from two Telugu states, follow https://telugu.abplive.com//amp)