After Prime Minister Narendra Modi and other prominent leaders on Thursday greeted the nation on the occasion of Republic Day, Tableaux were showcased and first of them came Andhra Pradesh, which represents Prabhala Teertham — a festival of the peasantry during Makara Sankranti.
In a tweet, news agency ANI said, "The tableau of Andhra Pradesh depicts 'Prabhala Theertham'- a festival of the peasantry during Makara Sankranti, at the Republic Day parade."
A 450-year-old tradition and culture of peasantry is protected religiously and is followed by the residents of all villages in the Konaseema district. The peasantry bound with age-old customs and traditions boasts of rich culture and heritage.
Sankranti is one of the main festivals for the people of Andhra Pradesh, which comes after the harvest season. Prabhala Theertam festival entails taking out idols built of bamboo frames and decorated with colourful clothes, papers, feathers and Kathirkula (rice sheaves woven together signifying prosperity).
The tableau showcased how these decorated bamboo arches with Lord Shiva's idols on them are taken around in a huge procession from all villages. People throng to the Prabhala Theertham and enjoy the celebration amid the bursting of firecrackers amid the playing of traditional musical instruments and Garaga folk dance, which was also on display on the tableau.
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(With PTI inputs)