Andhra Pradesh Chief Minister YS Jagan Mohan Reddy conducted a review of the Women and Child Welfare Department at his camp office in Tadepalli on Tuesday. Rereviewing Nadu-Nedu in Anganwadi, CM Jagan instructed the officials to take up the Rs. 1500 crore infrastructure development works in all anganwadis in three phases, implementing a clear-cut action plan covering all Mandals.
The Chief Minister directed the officials to constantly monitor the supply of milk and eggs to the children and ensure their quality.
CM Jagan proposed that, in addition to filling the existing 63 Child Development Project Officer (CDPO) posts as soon as possible, the process of giving promotions should also be expedited.
The CM said village clinics, medical health departments, and anganwadis should collaborate to provide nutritious food to all mothers and children suffering from anaemic problems.They should be given more medication, and this should start on February 1. By creating SOPs and applying the family doctor model, the issue should have a lasting solution, said CM.
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He instructed ward and village clinics to continuously check the health of the children in anganwadis, and where necessary, improved medical care should be provided to all children using aarogyasri.
To provide the finest education possible for children in Anganwadis, the chief minister instructed the officials to develop plans for implementing teaching techniques using smart TVs. He asked the officials to work favourably with the children in all government schools and anganwadis, as the majority of children belong to the weaker sections. We can achieve the best results by extending good education to children between 10 to 12 years old, he said.
(With inputs from ABP Desam — It is a Telugu platform of ABP News. For more news, commentary and latest happenings from two Telugu states, follow