World Lion Day 2023 | Jungle King Myth To Nocturnal Nature: 10 Lion Facts You May Not Know

King of the jungle, are they? Lions don't actually live in jungles, but are found in grasslands, savannas & open woodlands.

Lions live in groups, called prides consisting of males, related females, and their offspring.

In a pride, female lions do most of the hunting. The males defend the pride's territory.

The roar of lions can be heard upto 8 kilometres away. They are the only big cats that roar together.

Male lions have impressive manes, made of long, thick hair. It is used to attract females and intimidate rivals.

Lions are usually most active during dawn and dusk hours. This helps them avoid extreme heat of the day.

Lion cubs open their eyes for first time after about 7 days. They are cared for by the whole pride.

In the wild, lions usually live for around 10 to 14 years. In captivity, they can live longer.

Lions feature on the IUCN Red List as a vulnerable species.

There are only around 23,000 lions left in the wild.