10 Tips To Reduce Belly Fat

Protein and Veggies: Ensure every meal includes a mix of lean proteins, have grilled chicken with colorful veggies for every meal.

Mindful Eating: Stick to three balanced meals with quinoa, greens, and lean proteins. Try to cut down mindless snacking

Increase Movement: Ensure atleast 8,000 steps daily with brisk walks or stairs.

Strength Training: Give at least 30 minutes to strength training three times a week. Do squats, lunges, and push-ups etc.

Move Throughout the Day: Increase movement into your daily life, stretch at your desk, do chores, or take short walks

Prioritize Sleep: Get 7-8 hours of quality sleep, with a bedtime routine and without screen.

Hydration Matters: Have 2-3 liters daily, try cucumber-mint infused for added flavor and detoxifying benefits.

Regular Bowel Movements: Eat whole grains, fruits, and veggies like oats, berries, and broccoli and promote digestive health.

Stress Less, Live More: Try meditation, deep breathing, or hobbies like painting or reading to manage stress. Reducing stress levels can positively impact belly fat.

Build a Support System: Surround yourself with supportive friends and family, and find joyful activities. This will contribute to a healthier mindset and lifestyle.

Inputs by: Juily Wagle, Fitness Trainer and Certified Nutritionist, Founder - MetaboliX