International Epilepsy Day 2024: How Epilepsy Affects Kids

Epilepsy is a common neurological disorder affecting many people, from young to old.

It can make people shake suddenly because of problems with their brain's electricity.

Causes of epilepsy include genetic factors, head injuries, brain tumors, infections, exposure to toxins before birth, and certain body issues like liver or kidney problems.

Kids may show symptoms like staring spells or sudden disconnects, while adults may experience various types of seizures, such as focal or generalized ones.

The diagnosis of epilepsy in infants and pre-schoolers involves a count of events like what the child was doing before, during, and after the seizure.

Common tests for diagnosing in children include EEG to measure brain activity and MRI brain scans to look for potential causes.

Children with epilepsy can still participate in activities they enjoy, like sports and school activities, safely.

Parents should be aware of first aid management for seizures and may need training in using nasal midazolam spray for emergency seizure management.

Parents should also ensure that children with epilepsy are careful with activities like cooking and avoid climbing to heights.

It's important for parents to communicate with healthcare providers to ensure proper management and care for children with epilepsy.

 Inputs from: Dr Rashmi Adiga, Consultant Paediatric Neurologist, BirthRight by Rainbow Children’s Hospital, Bannerghatta, Bengaluru