Should Bananas Be Consumed By Diabetics Or For Weight Loss? See What Experts Say

Bananas are typically avoided by individuals who want to lose weight or regulate their diabetes because of their sugar content but they are full of nutrients.

One of the most beneficial aspects of bananas is their high potassium content which has a significant role in maintaining a balanced fluid composition, regulating blood pressure, and providing support to muscles and neurons.

Also a balanced diet says to have 3-5 servings of fruits and vegetables, irrespective of specifying them as low or high calorie.

But, it is said that bananas should not be consumed for weight loss and diabetes, because bananas are rich in calories.

100gm (1 small) banana contains 112 kcal, which is equivalent to 500 grams of papaya, 5 guavas (approx. 350 gms), 1 large apple (180 gms)

Bananas contains soluble fiber and specifically green bananas contains resistant starch which not causes major spikes in blood glucose levels. So people opting for weight loss or diabetes can consume one small banana in a day.

Banana is ideal for those on a weight loss diet as its natural sweetness will not let the individuals crave for sweet foods. Having a single banana won’t be of any harm, just be cautious of not consuming it in excess quantities.

While bananas have numerous health benefits, over consumption can lead to a increase in calorie intake, which would adversely affect weight loss efforts.

Any food that has a glycemic index (GI) of 55 or lower belongs to the low GI food. A ripe banana has a GI of 51 while an unripe banana has a GI of 30. More riper the fruit, more is its GI.

Yellow, or ripe, bananas contain less resistant starch than green bananas, as well as more sugar, which is more quickly absorbed than starch.

This means fully ripe bananas have a higher GI and will cause your blood sugar to rise faster than green unripe bananas. Ripeness isn’t the only factor when it comes to the amount of sugar in your banana — size also matters. The bigger the banana, the more carbs you will be getting.

So a diabetic can consume a small sized banana that is not too ripe, without affecting their blood sugar levels much.

Inputs by: Dt. Kalpana Gupta, Clinical Nutritionist, Nutrition And Dietetics, Max Smart Super Speciality Hospital, Saket, Dietician Umang Malhotra, Dietician Garima Goyal