Top 10 Rarest Plants In The World

Published by: ABP Live
Image Source: Pinterest/jardinerieakou

1. Ghost Orchid:

Native to Florida and Cuba, this unusual plant is known for its beauty and is in danger of deforestation.

Image Source: Pinterest/OldDuckPress

2. Rafflesia Arnoldii:

Known as the corpse flower, it produces the world's largest bloom and is found in Southeast Asia. Its existence is threatened.

Image Source: Pinterest/flickr

3. Welwitschia Mirabilis:

This ancient plant, native to the Namib Desert, has survived for over a thousand years and is adapted to arid regions.

Image Source: Pinterest/worldofsucculents

4. Encephalartos Woodii:

Encephalartos woodii, native to South Africa, is a critically endangered cycad, extinct in the wild, with all existing specimens in cultivation. It features striking, fan-shaped leaves.

Image Source: Pinterest/cobusleroux

5. Western Underground Orchid:

The Western Underground Orchid's a rare plant native to Australia, living underground and relying on fungi for nutrients.

Image Source: Pinterest/flickr

6. Nepenthes Tenax:

This is a rare tropical pitcher plant native to Madagascar, known for its unique, hanging traps that capture and digest insects for nutrients.

Image Source: Pinterest/ingridmaier

7. Golf Ball Cactus:

The Golf Ball Cactus is a rare, spherical cactus native to South America, known for its striking, ball-shaped form and colourful flowers.

Image Source: Pinterest/wordpress

8. Titan Arum:

Titan Arum, also known as the corpse flower, is famous for its enormous size and foul odor, attracting pollinators in its native Sumatra.

Image Source: Pinterest/cursedun

9. Middlemist Red:

Middlemist's Red is an exceptionally rare species, originally from China, now found only in New Zealand. It features beautiful striking red flowers.

Image Source: Pinterest/traveldotearth

10. Rothschild’s Slipper Orchid:

Rothschild’s Slipper Orchid is a critically endangered orchid native to Borneo, prized for its unique and striking blooms.

Image Source: Pinterest/traveldotearth