9 Lucky Plants To Fill Your Home With Positivity

Published by: ABP Live
Image Source: Pinterest/remodrhome

1. Money Plant:

This plant can be found in almost every household. It's believed to attract wealth and prosperity.

Image Source: Pinterest/balconygardenwe

2. Bamboo:

Bamboo is a very common plant which can be found very easily. It symbolises resilience and good luck. People keep it at homes to bring harmony.

Image Source: Pinterest/mollyshomeguide

3. Peace Lily:

Peace Lily has air purifying properties and is known to promote calmness and tranquility at home.

Image Source: Pinterest/etsy_UK

4. Jade Plant:

This plant with round coin like leaves is not only great for home decor but also symbolises good fortune and wealth.

Image Source: Pinterest/FoliageFriendSite

5. Snake Plant:

Snake Plant is known to bring good luck. This plant improves the air quality and considered a great gift item.

Image Source: Pinterest/plantisimacom

6. Aloe Vera:

Aloe Vera is a versatile plant known for its healing properties. It's consumed, used to create juices, and applied for skin and hair care.

Image Source: Pinterest/Lagreentouch

7. Rosemary:

Rosemary symbolises love and remembrance. It's known for enhancing memory and clarity.

Image Source: Pinterest/thespruceofficial

8. Basil:

The basil plant is revered for its ability to bring positivity to the home. Not only this, they are known to enhance harmony, attract money and improve the air quality as well.

Image Source: Pinterest/GeFerris

9. Rubber Plant:

Rubber Plant is said to attract positive energy and promote a calm environment. Its glossy leaves also enhance the air quality.

Image Source: Pinterest/PricklePlantsUK