Tips To Achieve A Healthy Makeup Base

To ensure your skin is at its best, it is important to start with the basics: cleanse, moisturise, and protect

Healthy, well-cared-for skin is the ultimate foundation for makeup, ensuring you not only look stunning but also feel confident in your skin's natural beauty

Preparing your skin before applying foundation can help you achieve a flawless makeup look and ensure that your skin remains healthy and retains its glow.

Here are some tips to get a healthy makeup base-

A gentle cleanser, tailoured to your skin type, helps to get rid of impurities and prepares your face for makeup application

Moisturising with a natural product keeps your skin supple and prevents makeup from settling into fine lines.

Don't forget the sunscreen – it's the ultimate shield against UV damage and premature ageing

Exfoliation is key to maintaining a smooth texture; but be gentle to avoid irritation.

Consume an adequate amount of water and incorporate hydrating serums into your routine for your skin's luminosity and overall vitality.

Healthy skin isn't built overnight. Consistency is your ally; stick to a routine that suits your skin type and concerns.

Inputs By: Dr. Navnit Haror (Chief Dermatologist, and Cosmetic and Hair Transplant Surgeon), and Dr. Chytra V Anand (Dermatologist & Founder of SkinQ)