The intensity of the anger can be reduced by following a few measures:
1. Self awareness helps in avoiding situations which trigger anger. It also enables making better choices about responding rather than reacting especially with intense emotion such as anger.
2. Identify emotions and observe the responses to different emotions. This awareness helps in managing emotions better.
3. Accept the feeling without being defensive.
4. Avoid starting the conversation with preconceived ideas and opinions.
5. Avoid yelling or raising voice during conversations while angry.
6. Change in place or position during the episode helps in calming down.
Few techniques to stay calm:
1. Practice pause: Pausing for a few moments before reacting helps in staying in control of the situation and handling it better.
2. Deep Breathing: Deep breathing during anger episodes help in calming down.
3. Regular physical activity or exercise aids in good mental health.
4. Engaging in constructive or leisure activities will distract the mind from disturbing emotions.
5. Adequate sleep relaxes the body and mind thereby reducing mood swings and anger outbursts.
6. Expressing and sharing feelings with family and friends gives a different perspective to the situation.
7. Strongly believe that anger can be controlled and reaffirm it as repetition reinforces the belief.