Pre and Post Skin Care For Holi: Protecting Your Skin During The Festival Of Colours

Pre-Holi Skin Care:

Moisturise Your Skin: Hydrated skin is less likely to absorb colours deeply, making it easier to wash them off later.

Cover Acne-Treated Areas: If you're undergoing acne treatment, make sure to cover these areas with a non-comedogenic barrier cream or bandage.

Choose Skin-Friendly Colors: Opt for organic colours that are free from toxic chemicals and are gentler on your skin and reduce the risk of allergic reactions.

Do a Patch Test: Apply a small amount of colour on your inner arm and wait for a few hours to check for any adverse reactions. Avoid using colours that cause itching, redness, or irritation.

Keep Hair Tied Up: Tie your hair securely to prevent colours from getting entangled and causing damage.

Avoid Makeup: Refrain from wearing makeup while playing Holi. Makeup products can mix with colours and clog your pores, leading to breakouts and skin issues.

Post-Holi Skin Care:

Wash with Gentle Cleanser: After playing Holi, cleanse your skin using a mild and gentle cleanser. Avoid harsh soaps or scrubs that can strip away natural oils and further dry out your skin.

Use Warm Water: While washing off colours, use lukewarm water instead of hot water. Hot water can dehydrate your skin and exacerbate irritation caused by colours.

Gentle Exfoliation: If you notice stubborn colour stains, opt for a gentle exfoliation using a soft cloth or a mild exfoliating scrub. Avoid rubbing too harshly, as it can irritate sensitive skin.

Hydrating Mask: The day after Holi, pamper your skin with a hydrating mask or a soothing face pack. Ingredients like aloe vera, cucumber, and honey can help replenish moisture and calm any inflammation.

Inputs By: Dr Aditi wadhawa, MD Dermatologist