Good Friday 2024: Know How Christians In Different Parts Of The World Celebrate This Day
India: They conduct three-hour special services at noon, wearing black clothes, dimming lights, and reading from the Gospel.
Catholics: People abstain from meat, eat fish, and have hot cross buns. Some are fast, especially adults.
Protestants: They follow the no-meat rule; some have food restrictions similar to Catholics.
Germany: Germans observe 'Karfreitag' with solemn church services, fasting, and silent processions.
Italy: They participate in the 'Via Crucis' procession and perform Miserere in churches.
Mexico: Mexicans enact 'Via Crucis' processions with street processions and crucifixion reenactments.
Philippines: People of Philippines, observe Good Friday with 'Senakulo' processions, floats, and Passion of Christ reenactments.
Spain: People participate in the week-long 'Semana Santa' celebrations, which include 'La Madrugada' procession on Good Friday.
Common Traditions: Some common tradition on this day includes, ringing church bells solemnly, silent bells until Easter, hymn singing, prayers, and open-air plays depicting Jesus' last hours.