Kiara Advani Arrives In Jaisalmer Ahead Of Wedding With Sidharth Malhotra Kiara was spotted at the airport with fashion designer Manish Malhotra. Bride-to-be Kiara glowed in a white co-ord set and pink shawl. Kiara will reportedly wear Manish Malhotra's couture for her D-Day. Sidharth and Kiara's wedding festivities are all set to begin today. The couple will be tying-the-knot on February 6 in an intimate ceremony. The big Bollywood wedding is all set to take place at Suryagarh Hotel in Jaisalmer. Approximately 150 VVIPs are on the guest list including Shahid-Mira and Vicky-Katrina. Sidharth and Kiara's wedding is going to be a big fat Punjabi wedding. All Media: Manav Manglani.