Happy Birthday Urmila Matondkar The actress celebrates her 49th birthday today, on February 4. Urmila made her acting debut as a child artist in 'Karm' and gained recognition with 'Masoom'. She established herself as a leading actress with her sensuous role in 'Rangeela'. From 'Pinjar' to 'Ek Haseena Thi', Urmila has done plenty of critically acclaimed roles over the years. The actress has numerous awards and accolades to her credit. She blew minds with her intense roles in 'Kaun', 'Pyaar Tune Kya Kia' and other psychological thrillers. Urmila was last seen as a judge on the reality show 'DID Super Moms'. The abode of talent will continue to be Bollywood's first and forever 'Rangeela' girl. All Media: Urmila Matondkar/Instagram.