Sidharth Malhotra, Kiara Advani are reportedly to get married at the Suryagarh Palace hotel in Jaisalmer The Suryagarh Hotel is located about 16 km from Jaisalmer Sidharth-Kiara's wedding will allegedly happen on February 6 Sidharth and Kiara's families are expected to reach Jaisalmer by Saturday Around 150 VVIPs will reportedly attend this high profile wedding along with the guests from the cinema industry The pre-wedding functions( sangeet, haldi and mehendi) are allegedly set to happen over the weekend Unlike most celebs who are going for intimate weddings, SidKiara are expected to have a big, fat Punjabi wedding Reports suggest Kiara Advani and Sidharth Malhotra will wear Manish Malhotra's couture for the main ceremony Around 100-150 people are set to attend the wedding celebrations Lavish receptions will happen in Mumbai and Delhi following the wedding ( All Pics Credit: Twitter)