Decimating Flash:
Little Boy atomic bomb obliterated Hiroshima on August 6, 1945, leaving behind an unimaginable trail of destruction.

A Deadly Morning:
US B-29 bomber dropped the bomb at 8:15 am, claiming over 140,000 lives.

Dual Destruction:
Fat Man atomic weapon striked Nagasaki three days later, intensifying Japan's wartime ordeal.

Years Of Reflection:
Seventy-seven years on, August 6 remains a day of solemn remembrance worldwide.

Cataclysmic Consequences:
Hiroshima's cataclysmic impact underscored the horrors of nuclear warfare.

Global Unity Needed:
The tragic anniversary underscores the urgent call for peace and disarmament.

Unforgettable Flash:
Unprecedented light flash heralds Hiroshima's fateful moment.

Scars Of Suffering:
Devastation and human anguish left an indelible mark on history.

City In Ruins:
Hiroshima became a vortex of destruction in the wake of the atomic bomb.

An Eternal Reminder:
Hiroshima's aftermath serves as a haunting tableau of the destructive power of nuclear weapons.