At least 38 deaths have now been linked to a severe Arctic freeze that continues to pummel the US and Canada.

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Officials say 34 people died across the United States, with Buffalo, New York, being the hardest hit.

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A bus toppled over on an ice road in the town of Merritt in the western province of British Columbia, killing four people.

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The extent of the winter storm has been extraordinary, extending from Canada to the Rio Grande.

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Forecasters predict that the storm will dissipate in the next days, but travellers should avoid travelling unless strictly essential.

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The storm has been wreaking havoc for days, but power has been gradually restored following previous blackouts.

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Thousands of flights have been cancelled, preventing many people from celebrating Christmas with their families.

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More than 55 million Americans remained under wind chill alerts on Sunday.

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The bomb cyclone winter storm, which occurs when atmospheric pressure drops bringing heavy snow and winds.

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In Canada, the provinces of Ontario and Quebec are bearing the brunt of the storm.