Top 9 Amazing Health Benefits Of Plum

Published by: ABP Live
Image Source: Canva

Helps In Weight Loss:

Plums are low in calories and rich in bioactive compounds like polyphenols and help with energy management, aiding in weight loss.

Image Source: Canva

Heart Health:

Rich in minerals and phytochemicals, plums reduce inflammation, lower cholesterol, and enhance blood vessel function, reducing the risk of heart disease, heart attacks, and strokes.

Image Source: Canva

Brain Health:

Plums delay ageing and maintain a youthful look with their high mineral and antioxidant content, protecting the body from cell damage that can lead to diabetes, Parkinson’s, Alzheimer’s, and cancer.

Image Source: Canva

Maintain Blood Sugar:

With a low glycemic index of 40, plums gradually raise blood sugar levels, making them ideal for diabetics. 

Image Source: Canva

Support Digestion:

Plums aid digestion with their high sorbitol content, a natural laxative, and maintain the flow of your digestive system.

Image Source: Canva

Anti cancer Properties:

Plum extract has significant antioxidant action, attaching to cancer cells and inhibiting specific enzymes in the signalling pathway, with the highest concentration in the flesh, pit, and peel.

Image Source: Canva

Bone Health:

Plums prevent and slow bone loss, improve bone quality, and are an excellent source of vitamin K, essential for calcium absorption and bone health.

Image Source: Canva

Support Pregnancy:

Plum extract elevates serum calcium levels, promoting the formation of new bone during pregnancy.

Image Source: Canva

Blood Pressure control:

Potassium in plums lowers blood pressure by relaxing blood vessel walls and aiding in sodium elimination through urination, reducing the risk of stroke.

Image Source: Canva