Oily Fish Health Benefits: Know Its Advantages From Heart Health To Cancer Prevention

Cardiovascular Health: Oily fish can shield against cardiovascular issues and heart strain during mental stress.

Rheumatoid Arthritis Defence: Regular omega-3 intake is linked to a lower risk of rheumatoid arthritis (RA) and the potential prevention of its development.

Dementia Protection: Fish oil may guard against alcohol-related dementia by significantly reducing neuroinflammation and cell death.

Cancer Prevention: Omega-3 in oily fish may deter early- and late-stage oral and skin cancers by targeting malignant cells without harming normal cells.

Child Development: Oily fish intake during late pregnancy benefits sensory, cognitive, and motor development in children, distinct from breastfeeding benefits.

Asthma Prevention: Regular salmon consumption may decrease asthma signs.

Vision And Memory Support: DHA in oily fish aids in preventing vision loss and may enhance working memory.

Breast Cancer Prevention: Increased oily fish intake is linked to reduced breast cancer risk in women.

Prostate Cancer Prevention: High omega-3 levels may slightly elevate prostate cancer risk in men.