Holistic Wellness:

Holistic Wellness: Natural Remedies For Common Ailments

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Gargle with warm water:

Gargle with warm water: For a sore throat, gargle with water, salt, and turmeric; they are good for killing bacteria.

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Fennel: It is a carminative, a compound that can disperse gas from the intestinal tract.

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Garlic & Honey:

Garlic & Honey: For the signs of cold or flu, it is good to drink a concoction by made by crushing garlic, and mixing it with honey.

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Curcumin: It is the active ingredient in turmeric that reduces joint pain and swelling.

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Black tea bag: Moistening a black tea bag in warm or cold water and applying to the eyelid gives relief from sty.

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Cinnamon: It can help control blood sugar for people who have prediabetes or diabetes. 

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Green tea and dark chocolate, can each help take the edge off worries and tension.

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 Ginger: Ginger aids digestion by regulating digestive juices.

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Pomegranate juice: This is good for the heart and people suffering from low blood pressure.

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Basil leaves: Chewing basil leaves (tulsi) after meals helps to prevent acidity and ulcers.

Honey and Ginger juice: Mixing 2 teaspoons of honey with an equal quantity of ginger juice relieves cold, cough, and sore throat.

Milk and Dates: Pound dates with milk and ghee prevents anaemia.

Inputs by: Dr. Apurrva Sawant, Preventive Healthcare Expert and Founder of Careport Limited