Women's Day 2024: What Are Light Periods? Know Causes And Symptoms

Menstruation is a cyclic discharge of blood and the inner uterus lining, normally occurring every 28–30 days (it may vary from 21–35 days)

Average menstrual fluid volume is around 35 millilitres, with 10–80 millilitres considered normal.

Scanty periods (hypomenorrhea) involve extremely light menstrual flow

It occurs normally after puberty and before menopause due to irregular ovulation and abnormal endometrial lining development.

Constitutional causes may include the relative insensitivity of the endometrial vascular system.

Hormonal contraceptives like oral pills, hormone-releasing IUDs, or implants can cause light periods.

Anovulation due to hormonal imbalances (e.g., low thyroid, high prolactin, insulin, androgen levels) can cause scanty periods

Asherman's syndrome, or intrauterine adhesions, can lead to hypomenorrhea, often due to uterine surgeries or infections

Uterine hypoplasia, a smaller uterus with a reduced bleeding surface, can result in light periods

Psychogenic factors like stress can suppress ovarian activity, reducing hormone production and causing scanty periods

Low body fat from excessive exercise or crash dieting can lead to absent or light periods.

Inputs By: Dr. Nayana Kumari S Kadamba, Consultant Gynaecologist, SPARSH Hospital, Yeswanthpur