10 Proven Techniques For A Calmer Life

Stimulate pressure points: Acupressure taps into healing bodily energy flows. Massaging the soft flesh between thumb and forefinger, for example, eases worry. Target pressure points in the ears and wrists for on-the-go serenity.

Practice strategic procrastination: As counterintuitive as it sounds, delaying low-priority tasks allows you to direct your efforts where they are most needed. Create rituals around your peak productivity hours and guard them ferociously.

Sing spontaneous songs: Even if you are tone-deaf, songs have the power to evoke emotions and relieve tension! Belt out whatever ridiculous lyrics come to mind while doing housework or commuting.

Bounce and sway: Rhythmic, flowing actions relax the neurological system. Allow music to move you, even if you consider yourself uncoordinated. There is no one observing, so let go and let your body naturally undulate.

Spend time with elderly strangers: Hearing stories of elders gives us perspective and teaches us to enjoy every day. Volunteer at an old-age home and engage in encouraging talks. Your attentive presence can do wonders for the elderly.

Study stoicism: This ancient Greek philosophy focuses on distinguishing between events that we can control and those that we cannot. We avoid unnecessary pain by letting go of things beyond our control. Read the thoughts of Seneca, Marcus Aurelius, and Epictetus to gain knowledge in this domain.

Play with pets: Cuddling animals releases feel-good oxytocin and reduces cortisol levels. If you don't have a pet, volunteer at a shelter or offer to walk your neighbours' dogs.

Forgive yourself first: Self-judgment increases stress enormously, whereas self-forgiveness reduces problems. Be your own best advocate by using compassion to silence your unrelenting inner critic.

Sing in the hot shower: Humidity causes vocal folds to vibrate pleasurably when you sing, whereas hot water removes tension. You will emerge purified, relaxed, and ready to face anything after a singing sesh in the hot shower.

Marvel at miniatures: Bonsai trees, fairy gardens, and dioramas all grab our imaginations and remind us of our childhood awe. Visit model train shows and boutiques that sell miniature novelty things to infuse calmness and joy.

Inputs by: Dr Chandni Tugnait is M.D. (Alternative Medicines), Psychotherapist, Life Coach, Business Coach, NLP Expert, Healer, Founder & Director - Gateway of Healing