Rich in DHA and EPA, seaweed, nori, spirulina, and chlorella support heart health and provide essential nutrients for vegans.
Chia seeds are rich in omega-3s, fibre, and protein, thus supporting healthy digestion, and can be used in smoothies or granola or as an egg substitute.
Extremely nutritious with omega-3s, protein, and minerals like magnesium and iron, hemp seeds can be sprinkled over salads or blended into smoothies or munched on as is.
Flaxseeds are a good source of omega-3 fatty acids, fibre, and protein important for heart health and can be added to cereal, oatmeal, and baked goods.
Adding healthy fat and omega-3 powerhouse, walnuts are added to mixes of snacks, salads, or granola.
Edamame are rich in protein and provide omega-3s, making them a delightful addition to salads or soups and an excellent snack.
Kidney beans are plant-based sources of omega-3s available abundantly for preparing curries, stews, or salads.
A good oil for cooking, soybean oil is rich in omega-3s and vital vitamins; thus, using it to prepare your meal is good.
These leafy greens are the best choice, providing lithium and omega-3 for the brain and heart, making them a nutritious addition to any meal.