9 Essential Yoga Poses For Weight Loss
This asana is a powerhouse for strong core muscles. This pose requires intense concentration on holding your abdominal muscles tight, thus making it one of the best asanas for core stability and strength.
This pose is excellent for the leg and shoulder toning, that is accompanied by increasing balance and concentration. It stretches your legs, arms, and core, that level lines your belly and make more powerful quads.
This triangle pose promotes excellent digestion, burns the belly and waist fat. It also circulates blood flow into all parts of your body to help in strengthening your thighs and the backs of your legs, improving your balance and concentration.
This asana tones all the muscles of the body, implicating your arms, thighs, hamstrings and back. As you sit in this pose and observe your breaths, you will be toning and strengthening your muscles, promoting focus and circulation.
This asana improves the thyroid's metabolic function and balances metabolic rate. Upper body, abdominal, and lower limbs are strengthened with this asana. It also helps improve the respiratory system and gives better sleep.
The Bridge pose strengthens muscle tone and digestion and balances hormones, also stimulating good function in the thyroid. It fortifies the back muscles and relieves pressure on the back.
Commonly spoken of as yoga's squat, this pose strongly tones the abdominal muscles, quads, and glutes. It further stimulates the lymphatic and digestive systems.
The Bow pose works wonderfully for weight loss as it stretches and makes the back, thighs, and abdomen stronger, more efficient for burning calories, and it also enhances your flexibility.
This one's a warm-up in more ways than one, stretching and toning all the major muscle groups, burning fat from the waistline, and at the same time improving digestion and boosting metabolic processes.