14 Effective Strategies To Reduce Belly Fat

Published by: ABP Live
Image Source: Pinterest/eatthisnotthat

1. Proper Meal:

Meal time should be fix & proper. Don’t skip meal.

Image Source: Pinterest/nutritionstudies

2. Reduce Salt Intake:

Some studies have found that high salt intake may be associated with an increased risk of belly fat and obesity.

Image Source: Pinterest/TimesofIndia_Food

3. Include Plenty Of Fruits And Veggies In Your Diet:

Add watermellon in your diet. A study in Nutrition found that watermelon consumption was linked to reduced body weight and lower blood pressure in overweight individuals. This is likely due to the amino acid citrulline, which can help reduce the accumulation of fat in fat cells. Enjoy a refreshing slice of melon to help flatten your belly.

Image Source: Pinterest/simplyrecipes

4. Focus On Your Gut Health:

Certain carbohydrates tend to be poorly absorbed in your intestines and rapidly ferment as they sit there, leading to gas and bloating. Common culprits include refined carbohydrates and simple sugars—like those found in processed foods with added sugar.

Image Source: Pinterest/brit

5. Munch Fennel Seed:

It enhances the absorption of vitamins and minerals in the body and thereby helps one reduce bloating and belly fat. Consume gut friendly food like probiotic & prebiotic food (fermented food) in your diet.

Image Source: Pinterest/thishealthytable

6. Refined Carbs:

A high intake of refined carbs is associated with excessive belly fat. Consider reducing your carb intake or replacing refined carbs in your diet with healthy carb sources, such as whole grains, legumes, or vegetables.

Image Source: Pinterest/fit2bmama

7. Excess Sugar Intake:

Excess sugar intake is a major cause of weight gain in many people. Limit your intake of candy and processed foods high in added sugar.

Image Source: Pinterest/DoFastingapp

8. Protein Consumption:

Protein is an extremely important nutrient for weight management. High protein intake increases the release of the fullness hormone peptide yy, which decrease appetite and promotes fullness. Protein also raises your metabolic rate and helps you to retain muscle mass during weight loss .

Image Source: Pinterest/freepik

9. High Trans Fat:

High intake of trans fat to increase belly fat gain. Regardless of whether you’re trying to lose weight, limiting your intake of trans fat is a good idea.

Image Source: Pinterest/pharmafree

10. Green Tea:

Have green tea 30 min before meal. Green tea is an exceptionally healthy beverage. It contains caffeine and the antioxidant epigallocatechin gallate (egcg), which appear to boost metabolism.

Image Source: Pinterest/todayifoundout

11. Avoid Stress:

Stress can make you gain belly fat. It triggers the adrenal glands to produce cortisol, also known as the stress hormone. Research shows that high cortisol levels increase appetite and drive abdominal fat storage.

Image Source: Pinterest/gracefulllife

12. Sleep Deprivation:

Sleep deprivation is linked to an increased risk of weight gain. Getting enough high quality sleep is important if you’re trying to lose weight.

Image Source: Pinterest/shapemagazine

13. Excess alcohol intake:

This has been associated with increased belly fat. If you’re trying to lose weight, consider drinking alcohol in moderation or abstaining completely.

Image Source: Pinterest/everydayhealth

14. Poor Posture:

This can contribute to a protruding belly because it causes your stomach muscles to relax and become less engaged. Always sit & stand up straight.

Image Source: Pinterest/shefinds

Inputs By:

Ms Agnimitra Mukherjee, Dieteics and Community Nutritionist, Asian Institute of Immunology and Rheumatology

Image Source: ABPLIVE AI