Delhi Gets A 'G20-Sized' Makeover A stone-carved lion statue has been installed at the Lok Kalyan Marg near the Prime Minister's Residence. Illuminated G20 logos have been installed near the G20 Summit venue at Pragati Maidan. A stone-carved statue of white horses has been set up at the roundabout of Mansingh Road. Delhi airport terminals and the roads leading to them have been adorned with graffiti and fresh paint. Illuminated G20 logos have been installed at prominent footbridges across New Delhi. Street arts and 'welcome' emblems with G20 branding can bee seen at various places across the city. Several fountains have been installed in the past few months to accord a pleasant welcome to dignitaries. Last week, Delhi Lieutenant Governor reviewed the preparedness ahead of the G20 Summit. Around 6.75 lakh flower pots will adorn major locations like Sardar Patel Marg, Murti Marg, Delhi Gate, Rajghat. Sculptures of national birds and animals of G20 countries made from scrap metal at a park in Kautilya Marg.