Producer-director Ekta Kapoor celebrated the birthday of her son Ravie Kapoor on Saturday. Ekta had welcomed Ravie through surrogacy in 2019. Veteran actor and Ravie's grandfather Jitendra was also spotted at the birthday party. Ravie is named after him. Ravie's grandmother and producer Shobha Kapoor looked elegant in a salwar suit. Ekta's brother and actor Tusshar Kapoor was also seen at the birthday celebrations. Popular television actors including Shabbir Ahluwalia attended the birthday party with his kids. Shabbir was seen with his wife Kanchi Kaul and their kids. Actress Krystle D'Souza looked sporty in an orange sweatshirt paired with a pleated skater skirt. Anita Hassanandani was accompanied by her cute son Aarav. All Image Courtesy: Manav Manglani.