Shehnaaz Gill is looking dreamy in the recent pictures that she has dropped on Instagram. Dressed in a statement Manish Malhotra sequined saree, she looks absolutely stunning. She opted for a complete pink make-up, complementing the colour of her saree. Shehnaaz chose to accessorize her look with a chic necklace and matching drop earrings. The gorgeous lady flaunted her back in the stylish blouse. She will be performing in the upcoming Bigg Boss 15 grand finale episode. Shehnaaz will pay tribute to late Sidharth Shukla by performing on the song 'Tu Yaheen Hai'. Sung by her, the song was released as a tribute to the actor in his remembrance. Shehnaaz and Sidharth began dating each other post their stint in Bigg Boss 13. All Image Courtesy: Shehnaaz Gill/Instagram.