Deepika Padukone looks an absolute stunner in a leather little black dress. The actress is definitely turning up the style quotient a notch higher with her recent looks. Deepika's leather dress is from the house of fashion designer Magda Butrym. The actress looked drop-dead gorgeous as she flashed her million-dollar smile. She wore the dress for a special episode on The Kapil Sharma Show. Deepika completed her look with golden chain earrings and pointed heels. Earlier, the actress who is busy promoting 'Gehraiyaan', turned heads in a blazer dress. Deepika's black and white jacquard blazer dress is by London-based designer David Koma. She styled her blazer dress worth 90k with black thigh-high suede boots. Deepika simply stole the limelight dressed in a twisted orange knitted midi dress by David Koma.