Deepika Padukone on Sunday shared a series of BTS photos from Manish Malhotra's show Mijwan 2022. On Friday, Deepika, and Ranveer marked their runway debut as a couple for Manish Malhotra's Mijwan fashion show. Deepika also shared several polaroid photos in which she and Ranveer laughed and posed together In one of the pictures, Deepika's close-up look can be seen and the attention goes immediately to her beautiful smokey eyes. Deepika, Ranveer walked hand in hand and could not take their eyes off each other and indulged in some PDA. Deepika exuded elegance in a white lehenga that had beautifully detailed embroidery, a lacey border, and sequin work Deepika's Lehenga was paired with a cape with heavy detailing. In this picture, Deepika can be seen editing her pics from the fashion show. The couple looked every bit royal in their attires designed by ace designer Manish Malhotra. Deepika opted for smokey eyes and completed the look with matching jewellery.