Mouni Roy and Lauren Gottlieb were spotted on a lunch date on Sunday. Both Mouni and Lauren were twinning in Orange. Mouni Roy revealed on her Instagram post that the twining with her friend Lauren was completely unintentional. Mouni Roy was wearing an orange colour dress by Label Aditi Hundia. Mouni paired her dress with a pair of sneakers and kept her hair open. Mouni Roy will be seen in Ranbir Kapoor and Alia Bhatt's 'Brahmastra'. The actress is playing an antagonist called Junoon in 'Brahmastra'. After Mouni's look in 'Brahmastra' was revealed, some of her fans also compared her with Marvel superhero Scarlett Witch. Lauren Gottlieb and Mouni pose for the shuuterbugs. Mouni Roy tied the knot with Suraj Nambiar on Jan 27, 2022 in Goa. Suraj Nambiar is a Dubai-based entrepreneur and they had been dating for quite sometime before getting hitched.