Janhvi Kapoor stepped out for the promotions of her film 'GoodLuck Jerry' on Sunday wearing a Shivan and Narresh maxi dress. Janhvi wore a colourful pleated maxi dress with knotted bandeau bodice. The dress had a plunging neckline and double strap back. Janhvi completed her look with Turquoise bracelet and earrings. The 'GoodLuck Jerry' actress kept her hair open and had minimal makeup on. Janhvi is getting good reviews for her performance in 'GoodLuck Jerry'. The film is streaming on Disney+ Hotstar. 'GoodLuck Jerry' is the Hindi remake of Nayanthara’s Tamil film Kolamaavu Kokila. Janhvi on Saturday hosted a private screening of 'GoodLuck Jerry' which was attended by Boney Kapoor, Khushi and others. Janhvi Kapoor has recently returned from Warsaw after wrapping her shoot for 'Bawaal' opposite Varun Dhawan. Directed by Nitesh Tiwari, 'Bawaal' would be one of Varun Dhawan and Janhvi Kapoor's highest-budget films from production value. Janhvi will also be seen in 'Mr. And Mrs. Mahi' with actor Rajkummar Rao