Is It Mandatory To Wear Helmets On 2-Wheeler EVs?<br/><br/>(Image Credit: Ola)

Is It Mandatory To Wear Helmets On 2-Wheeler EVs?

(Image Credit: Ola)

ABP News
The craze of EVs is getting stronger in India. Many people are preferring it over the regular vehicles that run on Petrol.<br/><br/>(Image Credit: Ola)

The craze of EVs is getting stronger in India. Many people are preferring it over the regular vehicles that run on Petrol.

(Image Credit: Ola)

ABP News
One of the most common questions that people have while buying a 2-wheeler EV is whether they need to wear a helmet while riding or not.<br/><br/>(Image Source: Ola)

One of the most common questions that people have while buying a 2-wheeler EV is whether they need to wear a helmet while riding or not.

(Image Source: Ola)

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The answer to this question is not so simple.<br/><br/>(Image Credit: Getty)

The answer to this question is not so simple.

(Image Credit: Getty)

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As per the CMVR law, a helmet is not required for low-speed EVs with less than 250W power output, and top speed of 25kmph.

(Image Credit: Ather)

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If your vehicle exceeds the conditions stated in the previous slide then you must wear a helmet while riding.

(Image Credit: Ola)

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On a side note, light EV vehicles also share the roadways with heavy motor vehicles. Hence, it is advised to wear a helmet for one's own safety.

(Image Credit: Ola)

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