Popular Cars Above Rs 10 Lakh The Creta is Hyundai's best-selling car, overtaking their much cheaper SUVs like the Venue and the Exter. Recently, Hyundai launched the new Creta in India with a new look and a 1.5l turbo petrol engine. The Grand Vitara has been a great success for Maruti with a solid grip on the premium compact SUV segment. The Grand Vitara comes in mild and full hybrid variants with automatic options. It also gets an AWD variant. The Scorpio among the most popular brands for Mahindra. With the new Scorpio N, Mahindra's popularity has skyrocketed. The Scorpio N gets a 2.0l turbo petrol and a 2.2l diesel engine with automatic and manual transmissions. The previous Scorpio continues its charm and has its own fan following while the Scorpio N targets compact SUV lovers. The Toyata Innova holds the crown of being the best-selling MPV in India. The Innova Crysta dominates sales, while the long waiting list for the new Hycross shows the brand's leap towards electrification. All pics: Somnath Chatterjee, Getty Images, Instagram