A Look At Celebs Who Graced The Red Carpet In Shades Of White At Filmfare 2023 The 68th edition of the Filmfare Awards took place in Mumbai last night and B-Town celebs graced the occasion looking their best. Shantanu looked dapper in a white coat and trousers. While, Rekha graced the event as usual in a gorgeous off white Kanjeevaram saree. Nawazuddin Siddique also attended the award ceremony in an all white outfit paired with black shoes. Nargis Fakhri glammed up in a silvery white outfit with embroidery and sequins all over it. Prajakta Koli was seen in a silvery white dress with a cut out at the centre. Anil Kapoor looked handsome in an off-white suit. And lastly, Bhumi Pednekar raised the temperature in her off-the-shoulder pleated dress. All Images: Facebook/Colours TV