Rakul Preet's Khichdi Recipe Revealed: Try This Secret Ingredient Rakul recently shared a photo of a meal she enjoyed when she wanted something light. The photo shows a bowl of delicious khichdi, which the actress appears to have made herself. All-in-one meal for days when you want to eat light, she captioned the story. Rakul also provided information about the ingredients and quantities used in the story. 25 grams of white rice, 200 grams of ridge gourd/tori, 100 grams of chicken, & desi tadka with love. She also tagged Rashi Chowdhary, a nutritionist, and asked her, How do you like my khichdi? When we think of comfort food, khichdi is always at the top of our list! Rakul Preet hasn't been shy about sharing her love of food in the past. The actress was recently in Finland & treated herself to parathas in subzero temp.