A Glimpse Of Celebrities At The Ramp For Bombay Fashion Week Eli Avram showcases a collection at the ramp during the Bombay Times Fashion Week, in Mumbai Bollywood actor Mouni Roy can be seen aceing the ramp at the fashion show. Akansha Ranjan Kapoor showcases an off-white lehenga on the ramp. Nimrit Kaur Ahluwalia showcases Embroom's creation during the Bombay Times Fashion Week Shamita Shetty showcases collections from the shelves of The Story Brand. Shehnaaz Gill slays in a printed black outfit with the sleeves puffed up at the wrist. Bollywood actress Rakul Preet Singh poses in a stunning sequined lehenga at the fashion week. Amayra Dastur also walked the ramp in a lovely skirt and top. All Images: PTI