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Noida woman rises from dead 27 days after cremation
World Cup 2019
Bizarre ! Woman sent to prison for using someone else\'s urine
World Cup 2019
Bizarre! 4 foot, fluorescent-blue, fish-like creature filmed; drives crazy speculations
World Cup 2019
BIZARRE! This video of pit bull biting a woman and not letting go is going viral
World Cup 2019
BIZARRE ! Weeds that can travel invade this California city; many trapped inside houses
World Cup 2019
BIZARRE! Here is what this man did on finding a leopard relaxing in his bathroom
World Cup 2019
Bizarre! Man cooks neighbour\'s dog and what he does next is shocking !
World Cup 2019
BIZARRE! Man eats world\'s hottest chilli pepper and this is what happened to him !
World Cup 2019
BIZARRE ! Train Carrying 10 Million Pounds of Human Poop Stranded in Rail Yard Since 2 Months
World Cup 2019
WHAT? This Boarding School To Allow Boys To Wear Skirts
World Cup 2019
BIZARRE ! Risky condom-snorting challenge goes viral among US teens
World Cup 2019
Bizarre ! A Cheetah gets into this man\'s car and this is what he does !
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