The Uttar Pradesh government, led by Chief Minister Yogi Adityanath, has issued an order to the officers of all the departments to pick up the calls of the public representatives or call them back later with a message if they are not able to pick up the call under any special circumstances. As per the order, action will be taken against officers who do not do so on a priority basis under the relevant provisions. The state government has given the officers 15 days to save the mobile numbers of public representatives on their phones.

The state government has ordered the officers to follow courtesy and permissible protocol towards the members of Parliament and the Legislature. It is pertinent to mention that on Tuesday, a member raised this matter before the Chief Minister, to which Finance Minister Suresh Khanna assured that strict steps would be taken in this regard. An order was issued by the government late in the evening to the Additional Chief Secretary, Principal Secretary, and Secretaries of all the departments.

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The order further said that despite multiple orders to adhere to protocols towards public representatives, compliance is not being followed. Additionally, in situations where they are unable to answer calls due to important meetings or court appearances, they should ensure that a message is sent along with the callback information to ensure awareness.

Stringent Action Against Non-Compliant Officers

The order also specifies that strict action will be taken by the government against officers who do not adhere to the order.

Furthermore, the directive instructs that information about saving the mobile numbers of representatives should be conveyed by every subordinate officer and employee to their supervisory officer, and the supervisory officer should inform the district magistrate.

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