Seven more bodies were recovered on Friday, three days after a team of climbers from the Nehru Institute of Mountaineering (NIM) were hit by an avalanche in Uttarkashi, the institute said. The recoveries take the death toll to 26, ANI reported. 

The NIM said search and rescue operations were still ongoing for three other missing trainees.

The avalanche hit Draupadi Ka Danda II peak at a height of 17,000 feet on Tuesday when the 61-member advance training course team of NIM was returning to their camp. 

The news agency ANI reported earlier in the day that 19 bodies had been recovered from the crevice.

"A team of 34 trainee mountaineers and seven instructors from the Nehru Institute of Mountaineering (NIM) was caught in an avalanche while returning": NIM Principal Colonel Amit Bisht said, reported news agency PTI.

A total of 30 persons from various teams of ITBP, Nehru Institute of Mountaineering, Air Force, Army, SDRF, etcetera have been deployed for the rescue operation, ANI reported.

The National Disaster Response Force, the State Disaster Response Force, the Indian Air Force and Indo-Tibetan Border Police, along with a team from the Nehru Institute of Mountaineering, are conducting search and rescue operations in the area. The Army’s High Altitude Warfare School at Gulmarg also joined the rescue operation on Thursday, PTI reported.

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The avalanche had hit the Draupadi Ka Danda II peak in the Uttarkashi district of Uttarakhand at 4 am on Tuesday. The peak is located in the Gangotri range of the Garhwal Himalayas at a height of 5,670 metres.

(With Inputs From Agencies)