Uttarkashi Tunnel Rescue: Experts at the Silkyara tunnel site in Uttarakhand are facing yet another hurdle in their mission to evacuate 41 trapped labourers after the tunnel collapsed on Nov 12. The auger machine, critical for horizontal drilling into the tunnel has now broken down leaving the rescue team with the option of vertical and manual drilling. International tunnelling expert Arnold Dix said on Saturday said the auger machine engaged in drilling through the rubble has busted.

The relief efforts have entered day 14 on Saturday.


Auger Machine Busted, Says Expert

Arnold Dix said, "Augering is finished...the auger is broken, destructed," he told reporters in Silkyara. "There are multiple ways. It's not just one way... At the moment, everything is fine... You will not see the Augering anymore. Auger is finished. The auger (machine) has broken. It's irreparable. It is disrupted. No more work from auger. No more drilling from auger. There will not be a new auger..."

The machine encountered several technical issues and other obstructions since it was put into action. When asked about other options such as vertical or manual drilling, he said all options are being explored.

"Every door we are opening has its advantages and disadvantages. What we have to ensure is the safety of the rescuers as well as those who are trapped," the tunneling expert added.

"The drilling, augering has stopped. It's too much for the auger (machine), it is not going to do anything more. We are looking at multiple options, but with each option we are considering how do we make sure that 41 men come home safe and we don't hurt anyone. The mountain has again resisted the auger, so we are rethinking our approach. I am confident that the 41 men are coming home by Christmas," he further said.

The rescue team is taking out the damaged blades of the auger machine from the tunnel to allow other options to be implemented as soon as possible.


Decision On Vertical Drilling Soon

According to ANI, an official said that soon, a joint meeting of all the departments concerned will be held and decision will be taken on when work on the vertical drilling will commence. It added that a final decision on the vertical drilling is likely to be taken by Sutlej Jal Vidyut Nigam (SJVN) and Oil and Natural Gas Corporation (ONGC).

Meanwhile, the Border Roads Organization (BRO) personnel have been asked to transport machines to enable vertical drilling on the Uttarkashi tunnel through the road they recently built to access the top of the hill, said officials, quoted ANI.

Uttarakhand CM Pushkar Singh Dhami also visited the site to take stock of the rescue operation. He also shared a post on X and said, "The PM is taking detailed information every day about the well-being of the workers and the ongoing relief and rescue operations in Silkyara tunnel. Central agencies, state administration and teams of international experts are working together and soon we will be successful in safely evacuating our brothers."

Status Of Drilling So Far

According to an ANI report, till Friday, right before the auger machine was put to use again after a brief halt, 46.8 metres of the 800 mm wide steel pipe had been pushed into the drilled passage. The total collapsed stretch has been estimated to be about 60 metres long. Notably, the six-inch wide tube for supplying food and other essential items to the workers had travelled 57 metres.

ALSO READ | Uttarkashi Rescue Day 13: Drilling Halted Yet Again As Auger Machine Hits Metal Object — Updates