Prime Minister Narendra Modi contacted Uttarakhand Chief Minister Pushkar Singh Dhami for updates on the workers trapped in the tunnel near Silkyara, Uttarkashi. The Chief Minister assured the Prime Minister that state and central agencies are working collaboratively on relief and rescue operations. Earlier in the day, CM Dhami personally visited the site to conduct an on-site inspection as he is closely monitoring the rescue operations. Large-diameter hume pipes from Haridwar and Dehradun are being arranged to aid in the rescue.

  • As the Centre and the state government are working together on rescue efforts, Prime Minister Narendra Modi received detailed updates from the Uttarakhand Chief Minister and assured all possible help.

    "Prime Minister Narendra Modi took information from Chief Minister Pushkar Singh Dhami over the phone about the workers trapped in the tunnel near Silkyara, Uttarkashi. Giving detailed information about the relief and rescue operations, the Chief Minister said that various state and central agencies are engaged in relief and rescue operations with mutual coordination and promptness," the Uttarakhand Chief Minister's Office (CMO) informed, as per news agency ANI.

  • All 40 trapped workers are reported to be safe, receiving food and water. The rescue operation, however, might take up to two more days, news agency PTI reported officials as saying. The trapped labourers are in constant communication with authorities.

    The rescue team has removed 15-20 meters of rubble, and the focus is on pushing a steel pipe (800 MM diameter) through the debris. The secretary of disaster management estimates the trapped workers' rescued by Tuesday night or Wednesday, PTI reported.

  • While oxygen supply commenced immediately after the rescue operation started, contact for drinking water and light food was only established past midnight. The rescue strategy involves stabilising loose muck through concrete spraying and pushing a large-diameter steel pipe through the rubble for evacuation.

  • Communication with the trapped workers is maintained through a pipe meant for supplying food. Rescuers have sent dry fruits and other food items. The collapsed area, spread over 30 meters, poses challenges, with falling loose muck hindering progress.

  • A technical committee is investigating the circumstances leading to the tunnel's partial collapse following a landslide, PTI reported. The tunnel, part of the Chardham Mahamarg Pariyojana, was sanctioned for construction to join Gangotri and Yamunotri axis.

  • Multiple agencies, including the National Disaster Response Force, State Disaster Response Force, Indo-Tibetan Border Police, and the Border Roads Organisation, are leading the rescue efforts. The Ministry of Road Transport & Highways assured coordinated efforts for the earliest evacuation of the stranded workers.

    Walkie-talkies have been used to establish communication with the trapped workers. The ministry is actively working on evacuating the workforce at the earliest, a statement informed.

The tunnel collapse occurred during reprofiling work as part of the Chardham Mahamarg Pariyojana.

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