Dehradun: The Uttarakhand Police has launched a drive called "Mission Hausla" to help people get oxygen, beds, ventilators and plasma for Covid-19 patients.

Besides these, police will also help the public get medicines meant for Covid-19 management as part of the mission and rations, Director General of Police Ashok Kumar told reporters.

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"Times are difficult with the number of Covid-19 patients rising every day. There is a shortage of beds, oxygen, and ventilators. Police have to stop hoarding and black marketing of these items through stern action and try to help people get what they need under the mission," he said.

Delivering medicines, oxygen, and ration at the doorsteps of families battling the coronavirus and coordinating between plasma donors and those in need of it will also be some of the activities to be taken up by the police as part of the mission, Kumar said.

Police stations will serve as nodal centres for managing crowds in market areas and ensuring Covid- appropriate behaviour by people like wearing masks and social distancing in public places, he said.

Stern action will be taken against those who violate the norms, Kumar said.