In a harrowing incident in Uttarakhand's Haldwani, forest officials faced a terrifying encounter with a leopard they were attempting to capture. The team, dispatched by the Forest Department to detain the leopard, found themselves in a perilous situation when the very animal they sought to capture turned on them, narrowly escaping with their lives. The incident unfolded with panicked onlookers witnessing the chaotic scene.

In a video posted on Sunday, the leopard could be seen aggressively chasing and attacking the officials, adding to the already tense situation. Videos captured the frantic moments as locals scrambled in fear for their safety while authorities grappled with the rogue animal.

Uttarakhand CM Pushkar Dhami Directs Officials To Divise Plan For Leopard Attacks

In a prior incident on February 5, the Chief Wildlife Warden of Uttarakhand issued orders to either kill or capture a leopard, following its attacks on two children within a span of 24 hours. Concerned by the frequency of such incidents in several areas of Dehradun, Chief Minister Pushkar Singh Dhami directed officials to devise an action plan to address the issue effectively, news agency ANI reported.

Expressing dismay over the leopard attacks, Chief Minister Dhami emphasised the need for stringent measures to prevent such incidents in the future. He stressed the importance of holding accountable any lapses on the part of Forest Department officials in safeguarding communities from wildlife threats.

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"To catch the leopards, cages should be installed and night patrolling should be done," stated Chief Minister Dhami during a meeting, highlighting the importance of proactive measures to prevent further conflicts, as per ANI. He also advocated for heightened vigilance in areas prone to human-wildlife encounters, proposing continuous monitoring by forest personnel.

Furthermore, Chief Minister Dhami pledged to review and potentially increase the compensation provided to the families of victims who lose their lives in human-wildlife conflicts from Rs 4 lakh to Rs 6 lakh.

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