A bus carrying 45 people falls into a gorge on the Rikhnikhal-Birokhal road near Simdi village in Pauri Garhwal district on Tuesday. The police arrived at the scene of the accident. As per a tweet by the official account of the state police, "9 injured have been rescued by Pauri Garhwal Police. 06 admitted to Bironkhal Hospital. Refer to 01 seriously injured Kotdwar. Condition of 02 persons is normal. The bus was coming from Laldhang Haridwar to Karagaon, in which 45 people were on board."

"A bus carrying 45 to 50 people falls into a gorge on the Rikhnikhal-Birokhal road near Simdi village in Pauri Garhwal district," according to news agency ANI.

Following the news, Uttarakhand Chief Minister Pushkar Singh Dhami posted on Twitter, "I have received the unfortunate news of a bus carrying passengers falling into a gorge near Simdi village of Pauri district, in view of which I am reaching the Disaster Management Department and reviewing the relief and rescue operations."