In a shocking incident, three people were shot dead in broad daylight in Uttar Pradesh's Lucknow in an area under the jurisdiction of Malihabad police station on Friday. Investigation revealed that the incident occurred due to a land dispute, leading to indiscriminate firing by assailants, news agency PTI reported. 

The victims were attacked during the daylight hours, resulting in chaos and panic in the Rehmatnagar locality of Malihabad. 

The CCTV footage of the incident has been posted by PTI on social media platform X. (Trigger warning: This video contains distressing visuals of violence. Viewer discretion is advised.)

The police told media that the firing, carried out recklessly by miscreants, injured five people, with three losing their lives. The deceased have been identified as Taj Khan (55 years old), Farheen (40 years old), and Farid (20 years old). Two others sustained severe injuries and have been admitted to the trauma center for medical treatment, as per media reports. 

The aftermath of the triple murder witnessed agitated relatives of the deceased creating chaos outside the Malihabad Community Health Centre (CHC). The Lucknow Police issued a statement, confirming the presence of law enforcement personnel at the scene and assuring necessary legal actions.

Police Commissioner SB Shiradkar provided initial details, stating, "The investigation so far has revealed that there was a land dispute between two groups, and the Lekhpal had come today for measurements. An argument during the measurements, and later one of the groups opened fire with their licensed rifle. A 17-year-old boy, his mother, and his uncle died in this". 

The Lucknow Police are investigating the incident, focusing on the land dispute and the circumstances leading to the shooting.