New Delhi: The bodies of two girls were discovered hanging from a tree in a field near the brick kiln where they were employed in a village in Kanpur's Ghatampur area, news agency PTI reported. According to the report, Additional CP (law and order) Harish Chandra said their family alleged that the minor girls were raped a few days back by the contractor of the brick kiln, Ramroop Nishad, (48), his son Raju (18) and nephew Sanjay (19).
As per the families, the accused had recorded a video of the act to blackmail the girls, which might have led the girls take the drastic step, Chandra said, as reported by PTI.
All Three Accused Arrested: Police
The girls were reported missing on Wednesday, and later that evening, their lifeless bodies were discovered hanging from a tree, approximately 400 metres away from the brick kiln, as stated by the ACP. He said that all three accused, who are residents of Hamirpur district in UP, have been arrested. “We have recovered videos and photographs of the girls from the mobile phones of the accused which would be sent for forensic examinations,” the officer added.
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The accused individuals have been booked under relevant sections of the Indian Penal Code, including 376D (gang rape), 306 (abetment of suicide), and the Protection of Children against Sexual Offenses (POCSO) Act, Chandra added.
The bodies have been sent for a post-mortem examination to ascertain the exact cause of death and verify gang rape charges, he said.