Kasganj: Prime Minister Narendra Modi spoke to Shyamacharan Upadhyay, a farmer from Kasganj district of Uttar Pradesh, through video conferencing. A lot of farmers, public representatives and administrative officers were present on the occasion.

Prime Minister Narendra Modi spoke to Kasganj farmer Shyamacharan Upadhyay before transferring kisan samman nidhi to farmers and asked him about the increase in his income as compared to earlier.  

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Farmer Shyamacharan Upadhyay replied that his income increased as compared to earlier. He said, building a plant under the Agriculture Infrastructure Fund has helped massively. 

Farmer Shyama Charan Upadhyay cultivates organic and medicinal crops in Kasganj.

When the Prime Minister further asked about the facilities in FPO, he replied that he can now keep his medicinal crops and vegetables in the chilling and icing plant and sell them in the market when the prices go up, which ultimately benefits them.

He explained that the construction of the chilling and icing plant under agricultural infrastructure has greatly benefited the farmers.

Medicinal crops and vegetables had to be sold immediately but now they can be kept in chilling and icing plants, and when the rates go up, they can be removed and benched at good prices.

Long-term vegetables can be kept safe

Rao Mukul Man Singh, an agricultural graduate and farmer who built a chilling and icing plant that stores vegetables for a long time, said that the big problem in their region of farmer not getting the right rate of their crop at the correct time.

He applied for a loan for a chilling and icing plant under agricultural infra-strategic fund. He completed all formalities and received the loan within 20 days and managed to set up a chilling and icing plant.

In the plant, fruits, vegetables, and medicinal crops are kept at temperatures of 2 to 5 degrees when farmers sell them when the market price rises. This increases their income.