In an effort to manage events in Uttar Pradesh's capital city of Lucknow, the Police Commissionerate issued a series of directives, including the imposition of CrPC Section 144. The advisory, issued with a focus on maintaining law and order during the upcoming Christmas and New Year celebrations, will be effective from December 24, 2023, to January 2, 2024. These restrictions involve a prohibition on unauthorised assemblies of more than five people.

As per the issued guidelines, entry to all bars, malls, restaurants, hotels, and other public places in Lucknow city will be restricted to a specified capacity, ensuring that an excess number of individuals is not allowed. The directive assigns the responsibility to relevant managers or administrators to display notices outside the premises, informing the public of these restrictions. Additionally, police officials and zone heads within the Police Commissionerate have been instructed to conduct meetings with concerned parties to ensure awareness and compliance with the issued orders.

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The directive mandates that the entry of individuals to venues hosting events, whether indoor or in open fields, must adhere to a predetermined capacity. Event organisers are instructed not to allow entry to more people than the specified capacity, regardless of whether the event is indoors or in open spaces.
Owners and managers of establishments such as bars, malls, restaurants, and public places are required to operate loudspeakers within defined noise levels. This measure aims to prevent inconvenience to the general public during the festive season.

Regarding the enforcement of these rules, the Police Commissionerate has made it clear that any violation will be met with action. Bars with permanent or temporary licenses are expected to comply with the license conditions, refraining from operating beyond the stipulated hours. Violation of these regulations will result in action under Section 144.

With Inputs By Vivek Rai

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